Half Day Positive Handling Training
Time is very precious in any school calendar and releasing staff for a full day can pose significant issues to the day to day running of
a school. Why not opt for a half day training session where staff will gain a good understanding of their rights and responisbilities in terms of the Law as well as becoming confident with L2
Positive Handling techniques?
By attending a Half Day Training Session led by School Positive Handling, you will:
- Gain a basic understanding of current legislation relating to issues that can arise when dealing with aggression or
- Examine the requirements of Health & Safety statute and associated regulations and understand how they apply to physical
restraint in school;
- Understand the DfE Guidance on the Use of Reasonable Force in schools, including the recommendations of techniques not to be
- Evaluate the risks associated with restraint and how to minimise those risks;
- Risk assess your own safety when dealing with a potentially aggressive or violent child or young person;
- Learn how to apply non-harmful methods of control e.g. prompting, escorting/guiding, holding;
- Learn and practise memorable, low level least intrusive positive handling techniques;
- Demonstrate and explain how to gradually de-escalate and relax restraint to allow the pupil being restrained to regain
- Know and understand the requirements for recording any use of restrictive force and how the information can be used to inform Behaviour
Plans/Risk Assessments.
We are happy to deliver half day courses to schools, academy trusts and colleges where staff come together to off-set training costs.
Contact us today, with no obligation, to discuss your training needs.
Telephone: 01924 891080 or 07581562669
Email: schoolpositivehandling@gmail.com